

Application of probiotics in the treatment of allergic rhinitis

21/03/2024 Quản Trị

Allergic rhinitis is a common allergic reaction to small particles in the air that, when inhaled, stimulates the body to release a natural chemical called histamine. Common triggers include dust mites, mold, pet dander, and pollen from trees. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, nasal congestion, and allergic inflammation of the nose, throat, mouth, and…

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Application of Probiotics in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

17/03/2024 Quản Trị

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), commonly known as autism, is a developmental neurological disorder. Individuals with ASD may exhibit behaviors, interactions, and learning patterns that differ from those of others [1]. They may encounter challenges in social interactions, interpretation, and the use of non-verbal and verbal communication. Researchers consider ASD as a lifelong disorder, but individuals…

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Application of Probiotics in the Treatment and Support of Mood Disorders

17/03/2024 Quản Trị

In today’s increasingly developed society, the growing pressures of life and life’s obstacles lead to changes in psychological and behavioral aspects, which can manifest as either positive or negative expressions. It is crucial to distinguish between changes in normal behavior due to stress-induced mood alterations and those indicating more serious issues. Behaviors become noteworthy when…

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Probiotics Applications in Urinary Tract Infections Treatment

17/03/2024 Quản Trị

Urinary tract infection infects one or more parts of the urinary system, such as the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. This is a highly prevalent condition; according to the Global Burden of Disease project, there were over 40.461 million reported cases in 2019, with 23.790 fatalities and an average of 520,200 new cases daily (1). Urinary…

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